Dr. Ahmed El – Mokadem


Learning About Egypt

Embarking on a journey to learn about Egypt extends far beyond the iconic pyramids and the mesmerising Nile River. This ancient land, rich in history, tradition, and culture, unfolds a vivid picture of experiences that go well beyond the obvious landmarks. Egypt’s history is a captivating saga that stretches back

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How did Mohammad Ali Pasha Modernise Egypt

In the early 19th century, Muhammad Ali Pasha emerged as a transformative figure in Egyptian history, playing a pivotal role in modernising the country. His reign from 1805 to 1848 marked a period of significant reforms that laid the groundwork for Egypt’s modernisation and set the stage for future developments.

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Exploring the Subtleties of Embedded Patriotism

Patriotism, often considered a fervent love for one’s country, can take on various forms, and one intriguing aspect is “embedded patriotism.” This concept delves beyond the conventional displays of national allegiance, immersing individuals in a profound and often unconscious connection to their homeland. Embedded patriotism weaves its way into the

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